Missed yesterday. The Internet was down-some technical issue. There was not much exciting to blog about. I am grateful for the support we have received throughout our journey. One instance in particular last night. My daughters attend Awana. Hannah's teacher, Tara and Jim allow her to get a different snack than what the class has. So last night instead of pretzels she got Reese's peanut butter cups. (yeah, she was real upset she could not eat pretzels.HAHAHAHA) So if you are reading this I thank you. It truly means so much to me you are looking out for my child. I have people telling me my children are different. MY neighbor, Ally, says janessa seems more mature- which she is. Others ask "what is wrong with them?" (Because they are not acting like out of control, too much energy, bouncing off the wall, constantly having to be told to stop doing something, typical behavior) I say nothing. This is how they are supposed to be. I look back to when my children were babies. They were the most laid back children on the planet. Great babies. rarely cried unless hungry or tired. Slept well. 2-3 hour naps and all night long from two months on. Things became different when we introduced the normal American diet. cereals, sandwiches, etc. after being done with baby food. Some of the behavior was typical toddler. Seriously what two or three year old is not spastic and crazy? But when that behavior continues and the children are labeled with "typical Kennedy behavior" Seriously. every time they do something the remarks, even by myself, are made " well they are Kennedy children." Well, no more. It is ending. The only times I am noticing it now is when the children are overtired. This is from not going to bed on time. SO that is the other thing we are working on as well is getting them to bed -on time. Hannah goes to bed at 8:30, Abby 9:00 and Janessa 9:30. they get to sleep until 8:00 the next morning. On the weekend,Fri and Sat, they get to stay up a half hour later. If they don't they are people I don't want to be around. Bunch of cranky whiny children-So I prevent that with making sure they get plenty of sleep. This in particular affects Janessa. Her attention span is directly correlated to not only what she eats but what time she goes to bed. She can't concentrate worth a lick the next day if she is up later than 10:00. Melatonin is working wonders with her falling asleep on time.
Tonight's menu is beef stew. Yummy yummy comfort food. :) here is the recipe:
recipe for beef stew I add a couple potatoes. Sometimes I add peas. Best ever. The husband and kids love it. The kids always ask me to make it. I will also be venturing into making my own flours. It will be cheaper. I just need to suck it up and take the time to do it.
Do you think home schooling makes a difference - by not picking up bad habits from other children? But, most importantly - they know Christ!!
ReplyDeleteI think the only difference it makes is I have more control over their choice of food. they can still pick up bad habits because they are not sheltered. they play outside, They play with other kids constantly. I expect obedience and discipline when it is not followed. I can tell instantly when they have eaten something they shouldn't. This has only happened once. I have told them they have been off it for so long that their body would not react nicely if they ate a meal filled with gluten. IF other children influence them to make choices they shouldn't, then I will remove that temptation and say you can not play with them. This has not had to happen very often as they have been pretty good with deciding to not play with children they know would not be positive for them. The children they react with on a regular basis, are good kids. I do believe knowing Christ has made a difference but also being a parent not being their friend.