Monday, November 7, 2011

day 5 of 30 days

I made the dairy free creamer.  It serves its purpose but not the same.  I think next time I will put less pumpkin in it.   I also think it will be better with almond milk instead of soy.  It will give it a nice sweet and nutty taste.  Tonight I am making chicken and dumplings that are gluten and dairy free....provided I have chicken broth.  I have not even looked.  I feel good.  I am less bloated.  the scale is going down.  Now there are studies on soy.  SOme good, some bad.  Some studies say it leads to breast cancer.

So yeah.  I can't make a good conclusion from what I have tried to find on the internet.  If any of you have good studies that prove either way than please feel free to share.  In my opinion. there is controversy for a reason and with that I will not consume soy in great amounts.    I am ok with some here and there.  I will use tofu and soy milk but almond milk and coconut milk are great alternatives and there are not controversies with those two products.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the soy controvesy. I tend to think it's okay. If you look at the Asian community who are not on the western SAD diet there is little heart disease and cancer and they consume a lot of soy. I say everyone make their own decisions. There are a couple books by Dr. Bob Arnot, "The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet" and "The Prostate Cancer Protection Plan" that are pro-soy about soy preventing cancers. They are very interesting and recommended by the Mayo clinic to their cancer patients. I got them on Amazon for about $1.00 each several years ago. Good reading, interesting.
