Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 2 of 30 days Dairy Free

Made it the first day.  First day is always easy.  It is after a few days that cravings kick in. I will conquer though. So I am posting links today as to where I get my information:

resaons not to drink milk 

6 reasons
That is just a couple.  Let me preface to say I am staying away from cow's milk.  Goats milk is another story.  That has been proven to be a safe alternative.  I plan to never allow Charlotte to even have cow's milk but will start her on goat's milk once she is done nursing.  She is allowed to nurse until she is two or she decides she wants to stop before then.  So since she gets milk from me then there is no need for me to introduce any other milk to her.   She has had some things with dairy in it that i have cooked but I will soon be cooking with goat's milk so it wont be an issue.

Goats milk benefits

Pretty soon, next shopping trip, I will be buying goat's milk.  I may be sneaky and put it in an milk gallon and see if they notice and then tell them.  (except my husband.  I won't do that to him.)

I can also testify that early puberty does happen and is not the norm in our family in any generations.  My ten year old started puberty when she was 9.  Not fully done, that one big thing still needs to happen but seriously  physically developing but not emotionally ready for it.  Nine year olds should not be getting breasts, curves, have to use deoderant, and have to shave their underarms.  not to mention the hormonal emotional changes.  that is the one I could really do without.  At none they are not ready and I believe a lot of this has happened because of dairy intake.  Does it happen to all? no.  but it does happen more often these days then it used to.

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